Thursday, December 06, 2007

simply having a wonderful christmas time

holy shnikies, have you guys heard that Christmas song that is the above line repeated over and over. I was in the store yesterday and they were playing that song and I wanted to rip the pantyhose off the mannequin so I could shove them in my ears. It sounds like a trendy Beatles knockoff band singing the normal christmas cliches over and over; it's so awful.

Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas songs. For the last week my usual 3 hr Dr. Laura radio session is broken up by occasional interruptions by the Christmas music station. I think that Weddings and Christmas are times that you can be appropriately cheesily cheery and sentimental, because they represent things that are truly other-worldly and magical, but some of those songs... I could live without.

So... What's my suggestion? you may be asking? I take the inspiration from Ashley on this one: Carry earplugs with you everywhere you go. Never be caught unawares.