Tuesday, June 26, 2007

One Man's Trash, Another Man's Paper

Turn the paper headed for the recycle bin into pads of paper. It's quite easy. Collect sheets that still have one blank side. (1) Measure into 5.5" by 4.25" sections and exacto through a stack of the pages. Any dimensions can be used, I chose these because it is simply quartering a standard 8.5" by 11" sheet. (2) Align a stack of the cut pages with a piece of cardboard of the same dimensions. Apply bulldog clips to press tight all of the pages in one end. (3) Hot glue along the edge and smooth it down to make sure that glue touches every piece. I've found that it works well to collect paper for a while and then make a bunch at once. Having extra scratch paper around sure is handy and could be a great gift for your chronic list-making friends.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Build Privacy

After moving into a new place there comes a time when you tire of the neighbors looking in your windows and you spring for some curtains. This can get very expensive very fast. In a pinch for both time and money, I strung up a shower curtain liner with loops of twine. One slice up the middle was implemented so that the curtain "opens" and one across the bottom so that it was an appropriate length. This instant solution looks good, and I think it's mildew resistant as well.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Dirty Little Secret

Sometimes you're eating pizza and you don't have a napkin. And you're holding a spot in line, so you couldn't possibly go and find one. There is another answer besides wiping your hands on your jeans and having an ugly grease stain. That answer is wiping your hands on your jeans while consciously deciding where you would like said stain to be. The stain will be darker than the rest of the fabric, so running your fingers down the outside seams is a good choice. (Don't tell your mom I told you.)